“Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts”
A look at the book Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts
By Emily Scherb | April 5, 2019
(Book by Emily Scherb)

(Image provided by North Atlantic Books)
I wrote Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts (more info here) to put a road map in the hands of aerialists and to help them on their circus journey.
I have been involved in circus since my childhood and always took my curiosity about the body through my education. As I learned about anatomy and kinesiology, and I started my career as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I began applying what I learned to the circus movements I loved. I worked to break down movements and discovered the “Why” behind all of those great cues my mentors had given me. I started to discover what it meant bio-mechanically to engage shoulders, squeeze my butt, or reach into a movement.
The book isn’t meant to be revolutionary. It is a synthesis of the years I have spent teaching circus and aerial anatomy to movers who were excited to learn how the body works and how it relates to injury. My aim with the book is to show what is behind our movements and the cues we have internalized. If we understand how, why, and where our bodies move we can train the right things at the right time. We can gain the ability to safely maximize our mobility, strength, and control while preventing injury.
By Emily Scherb
Pub. by North Atlantic Books (August 28, 2018), $13.99
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